Crypto Futures are contracts that allow you to speculate on the future price of cryptocurrencies without owning the underlying asset. On Pluang, you can trade perpetual contracts that have no expiration date!
Let’s imagine
BTC is trading at 103,800 USDT and you have 100 USDT to invest. You need to decide between trading Crypto Futures and crypto spot. Crypto Futures with 25x leverage allows you to hold BTCUSDT-PERP positions worth 2,500 USDT, while crypto spot only lets you hold 100 USDT worth of BTC. You decide to open a long position on Crypto Futures.Profit & Loss
Crypto Futures trading
Spot trading
Disclaimer: Crypto Futures carry a high degree of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Investors should carefully consider their investment goals and potential risks before investing, as Pluang does not guarantee favorable investment outcomes.
Crypto Futures (Perpetual Contracts) are powered by PT PG Berjangka, which is licensed and supervised by Bappebti. All transactions are facilitated by Central Finansial X (CFX), and verified by Kliring Komoditi Indonesia (KKI).
*The VAT is applied at 11% to both the Pluang Transaction Fee and the CFX Fee.
Learn more about maker-taker fees here.