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About Us




We transform money management with a simple-to-use, multi-asset investment platform, powered by
trusted communities.

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Our Principles

Provide affordable access to investment products.
Help our users make informed financial decisions.
Grow together with first-time investors and advanced traders.
Engage with communities to promote investing as social experience.

Our Partners

Pluang strategically partners with leading tech companies in Indonesia to allow access to investment instruments through a greater selection of platforms and applications.
GoInvestasi by Gojek

In April 2020, Pluang and Gojek launched GoInvestasi to provide easy access for more than 29 million Gojek users to invest in Gold.

eMas by DANA

In August 2020, Pluang and Dana officially collaborated to provide a feature for Gold saving and investing through DANA eMas.

BukaEmas by Bukalapak

Pluang collaborates with Bukalapak through the BukaEmas feature to make it easier for users to buy Gold via installments every month.

Founders’ Story

Pluang’s story started more than five years ago at Harvard Business School, where Claudia and Richard met as section mates, sharing a passion for investing, technology and entrepreneurship.
During their studies, Claudia and Richard realized that whilst Americans had unparalleled opportunities to create wealth— with access to a vast range of worldwide financial assets, at rock-bottom fees—Indonesians did not. Less than 0.2% of its 250M population invested. Fees are expensive, and asset classes limited.
Claudia and Richard saw an opportunity to empower a generation of millennials in Indonesia to create wealth via investing. Two years after graduating, Claudia and Richard started Pluang, and are actually married Co-Founders.

Meet Our Founders

Claudia Kolonas
Claudia has dabbled in her family business since her teens. While the business is originally in the Agribusiness space, she found a passion in financial services—and so worked in her family business’s financial services arm called Celebes Capital.
As an undergraduate, Claudia was a Molecular Biologist, and received a scholarship to work on vaccine development for equine alongside a UCLA professor. Initially she wanted to continue on completing a PhD program, but quickly realized that lab work got too boring. This was when she moved back to Indonesia to continue projects for Celebes, setting up interesting joint venture projects such as UOB’s Asset Management arm in Indonesia and various projects in the multi-finance and insurance space. She has also taken a lead role in key exits for some of the financial service companies in Celebes.
She left Celebes to complete her MBA at Harvard Business School, and this was where she met Richard, who would soon become her husband and Co-Founder in Pluang.
Claudia Kolonas

Richard Chua
Richard Chua
Richard is a serial entrepreneur who built his first business in the education space after graduating from UNSW, where he earned double degrees in Actuarial Studies and Law. Richard is the current Founder and Owner of Talent100, an education business in Sydney which has graduated thousands of students to top universities in Australia.
Building the business right out of university, Richard grew the business into a 7-digit EBITDA positive within 1 year of starting it out, with very little initial investment.
Richard also pursued his passion for strategy and technology, working at Bain, before moving to work in Google’s executive strategy team in California. At Google, Richard worked on some of the company’s fastest growing businesses including YouTube, Google Cloud, and Google Pay. During his last project at Google Pay, Richard realized that fintech was a relatively crowded space in developed markets, whilst being a ‘blue ocean’ in emerging markets.
After meeting Claudia whilst studying his MBA at Harvard Business School, Richard decided to move to Indonesia with Claudia to develop a wealth tech to help Indonesians start investing.

Protected and Reliable

US Stocks, ETFs, and US Stock Options are powered by PT PG Berjangka, which is licensed and supervised by Bappebti.

Crypto Assets by PT Bumi Santosa Cemerlang, licensed & supervised by OJK. Crypto Futures (Perpetual Contracts) by PT PG Berjangka, licensed & supervised by Bappebti.

Mutual Funds are powered by PT Sarana Santosa Sejati, which is licensed and supervised by OJK.

Gold is powered by PT Pluang Emas Sejahtera, which is licensed and supervised by Bappebti.

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