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Now available on the Pluang app! Maximize every opportunity whether the market goes up or down.
NEW in Pluang: A complete investment package hassle-free! Top up USD now, earn competitive yield without minimum deposit & lock-in period.
Discover undervalued stocks with recommendations from Wall Street’s leading investment banks.
Maximize your returns by purchase 2X US Stocks with no additional capital.
Invest in a new selection of pre-curated stocks all at once, without needing to hand-pick each one.
Invest in the world’s greatest brand and achieve the highest potential return. Non-leveraged stocks in Pluang is 100% real, with direct ownership.
Invest in 600+ US Stocks and ETFs, 360+ Crypto Assets, 65+ Mutual Funds, and Gold.
Invest in 600+ US Stocks and ETFs, 360+ Crypto Assets, 65+ Mutual Funds, and Gold.
Pluang is registered with Bappebti & OJK. Your transactions are guaranteed safe.
Pluang is registered with Bappebti & OJK. Your transactions are guaranteed safe.
Start investing in Crypto Assets & Gold with as little as Rp10,000 and US$1 in US Stocks.
Start investing in Crypto Assets & Gold with as little as Rp10,000 and US$1 in US Stocks.
US Stocks Fees
Crypto Fees
Mutual Funds Fees
Gold Fees
Other Fees
US Stocks, ETFs, and US Stock Options are powered by PT PG Berjangka, which is licensed and supervised by Bappebti.
Crypto Assets by PT Bumi Santosa Cemerlang, licensed & supervised by OJK. Crypto Futures (Perpetual Contracts) by PT PG Berjangka, licensed & supervised by Bappebti.
Mutual Funds are powered by PT Sarana Santosa Sejati, which is licensed and supervised by OJK.
Gold is powered by PT Pluang Emas Sejahtera, which is licensed and supervised by Bappebti.