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Your investment safety is our top priority

  • Licenses and Permits

  • Transaction and Custodian Partners

  • Insurance

  • Data Protection

Is Pluang regulated?

Pluang Licenses and Permits

Every product provided by Pluang has official permits granted by the Indonesian Commodities and Futures Trading Regulatory Authority (Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi, or BAPPEBTI) or the Financial Services Authority of Indonesia (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, or OJK), and are registered in accordance with the laws and regulations in the Republic of Indonesia.
US Stocks and ETFs

US Stocks and ETFs are powered by PT PG Berjangka, as a Futures Broker (Pialang Berjangka) under Penyaluran Amanat Nasabah ke bursa Luar Negeri (PALN) and Sistem Perdagangan Alternatif (SPA) licensed and supervised by BAPPEBTI. PT PG Berjangka received an A++ rating from BAPPEBTI as of January 2024.

Crypto Assets

Crypto Assets are powered by PT Bumi Santosa Cemerlang, as a Crypto Market Maker (Pedagang Fisik Aset Kripto) licensed and supervised by BAPPEBTI.

Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds are powered by PT Sarana Santosa Sejati (Pluang Grow),as a Mutual Funds Selling Agent (Agen Penjual Efek Reksa Dana, or APERD) licensed and supervised by OJK.


Gold is powered by PT Pluang Emas Sejahtera, registered as a Digital Gold Market Maker (Pedagang Fisik Emas Digital) licensed and supervised by BAPPEBTI.

Electronic System Provider (PSE) Licenses

Additionally, digital-based investment platforms require an Electronic System Provider (Penyelenggara Sistem Elektronik, or PSE) license issued by the Ministry of Information and Communication (KOMINFO) before they can operate legally. This permit aims to regulate and guarantee the quality of investment platform services to the public. Pluang has obtained PSE licenses with the following registered numbers:
PT PG Berjangka

PT PG Berjangka

PT Bumi Santosa Cemerlang

PT Bumi Santosa Cemerlang

PT Sarana Santosa Sejati (Pluang Grow)

PT Sarana Santosa Sejati (Pluang Grow)

PT Pluang Emas Sejahtera (Pluang Emas)

PT Pluang Emas Sejahtera (Pluang Emas)

We work with trusted partners

Each asset class is securely stored in licensed custodian partners. All transactions made on Pluang are guaranteed and cleared through respective partners.

Licensed Margin Storage Banks

Individual deposits made by customers are separated from other users and Pluang’s operational accounts. Customer funds are stored in licensed margin storage banks. Pluang partners with several banks to secure and store customer funds, which include:
Bank BCA
Bank CIMB Niaga
Bank Artha Graha Internasionsal
For BAPPEBTI products, Pluang maintains segregated accounts used specifically to hold customer funds and is only used for customer transactions. All segregated accounts need to be approved by BAPPEBTI and regularly reported on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. These accounts are completely separated from the company’s operational accounts.
For OJK products (ie. Mutual Funds), Pluang works with PT Sarana Santosa Sejati, which has an APERD license. As an APERD, the company does not receive customer money directly but all money topped up gets immediately sent directly to the respective Custodian Banks that the Investment Manager works with. You can refer to the fund fact sheet of the respective Mutual Fund to identify which is the custodian banking partner the Investment Manager works with.

Our Transactions and Custodian Partners

Asset Type


Custodian Partners



All transactions are recorded on the Jakarta Futures Exchange (JFX) and are guaranteed by Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (KBI)

Custodian Partners

Gold is stored in Pegadaian Warehouse, a state owned company and registered by Kinesis Monetary Indonesia (KMI) as KBI's appointed gold depository. All Gold is fully insured and stored in Pegadaian with high security.

US Stocks, ETFs & USD Yield (PALN)


All transactions are recorded on the Jakarta Futures Exchange (JFX) and are guaranteed by Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (KBI).

Custodian Partners

Pluang works with Alpaca Securities LLC, a licensed broker in the United States. Alpaca operates in accordance with the regulations of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).All USD funds are stored in a US-based custodian bank with a AA- Fitch Rating, BMO Harris. Details of individual stock ownership can be accessed via SITNA, where all KBI transactions are recorded.

Leverage Products (CFDs)


All transactions are recorded on Indonesia Commodity and Derivatives Exchange (ICDX) and are guaranteed by Indonesia Clearing House (ICH).

Custodian Partners

Details of purchased futures & CFD contracts can be accessed via CITRA, and the margins are held at ICH.

Crypto Assets


All transactions are recorded on Commodity Futures Exchange (CFX, or PT Bursa Komoditi Nusantara) and are guaranteed by Kliring Komoditi Indonesia (KKI).

Custodian Partners

Crypto Assets are stored in Fireblocks, the #1 world leading Crypto custody with multi-party computation (MPC) cryptography to safely secure Crypto Assets.

Mutual Funds


All transactions are facilitated by Indonesia Central Securities Depository, or Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI).

Custodian Partners

Each Mutual Fund stores funds in their own respective custodian partner (a national bank). Details for each Mutual Fund's custodian bank can be found here.
Details of Mutual Fund ownership per unit can be accessed via AKSes

What happens to my funds if Pluang ceases operations?

All customer funds are stored in a licensed entity and separated in a segregated account and as mentioned will not commingle with Pluang Operation account. With all regulatory supervision, Pluang cannot withdraw money from customer segregated accounts if it's not related to customer transactions. Customer funds are insured by respective regulatory licensed entities and will remain secure in the event that Pluang ceases operations.
Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (KBI)

KBI is a state owned enterprise (BUMN), with full insurance coverage, which is our custodian partner for our gold and US Stocks products.

International Clearing House (ICH)

ICH is a privately owned clearing house with full insurance coverage for all CFD products sold on our platform.

Kliring Komoditi Indonesia (KKI)

KKI is a privately owned company with full insurance coverage for all Crypto products sold on our platform.

Securities Investor Protection Fund (SIPF)

Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) is a state owned clearing house, with full insurance coverage by SIPF.

Learn more about SIPF


Insurance of up to $30 million applies to all funds stored in Fireblocks. Fireblocks is a world-leading custodian for crypto assets.


Gold is stored in Pegadaian Warehouse, a state owned company and registered by Kinesis Monetary Indonesia (KMI) as KBI’s appointed gold depository with full insurance coverage over the gold purchased at Pluang. For gold, KBI’s real-time system will make sure any gold purchased by customers is physically available in Pegadaian. Pluang cannot facilitate customer transactions if Pluang does not have the gold inventory available in KBI and Pegadaian.

We take data protection seriously

Pluang is ISO certified (ISO/IEC 27001:2013), meeting the quality process standards as defined by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in information security management systems (ISMS). Complying with ISO/IEC 27001 means that Pluang has implemented an operational system for risk management related to the security of customers’ data. This ensures that all customer data within Pluang is secured against cyber crime and cyber risks, and is guaranteed protected.

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