*Locked in price is held for 6 seconds, but may vary depending on market conditions.
Type | Description
Fee Rate
Instant Order
Pluang does not charge a fee for buying and selling crypto using Instant Order
A maker fee is charged when you add liquidity to the order book. This typically occurs when you place a limit and stop-limit order, setting a specific price at which you want to buy or sell crypto.
A taker fee is charged when you take liquidity away from the order book. This typically occurs when you place a market or stop order, which prioritizes immediate execution of your trade over securing a specific price.
As required by regulations, all crypto purchase and sale transactions are subject to a CFX fee. This fee is calculated on the total transaction amount and includes the applicable PPN. It is collected on behalf of the Central Finansial X to support market regulation and maintain transparency.
Example: You buy Rp1,000,000 worth of BTC using a limit order at Pluang. A fee of 0.10% will be applied to the total transaction amount (Rp1,000,000 x 0.10% = Rp1,000). An additional tax and third-party fee of 0.1432% will also be applied to the total transaction amount (Rp1,000,000 x 0.1432% = Rp1,432). You will then receive BTC worth Rp997,568, with the total amount to be paid being Rp1,000,000 (including tax).
Tokens | Minimum Transaction (Instant / Advanced) | Maximum Transaction |
Name | Network Name Send Fee (Native Token) | Send Fee (Native Token) | Send Fee (Rp) |
Crypto Assets are powered by PT Bumi Santosa Cemerlang, which is licensed and supervised by OJK. All Crypto Asset transactions are recorded by Central Finansial X (CFX) and Kliring Komoditi Indonesia (KKI).
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