Corporate Action
Roblox operates an online video game platform that lets young gamers create, develop, and monetize games (or experiences) for other players. The firm effectively offers its developers a hybrid of a game engine, publishing platform, online hosting and services, marketplace with payment processing, and social network. The platform is a closed garden that Roblox controls, earning revenue in multiple places while benefiting from outsourced game development. Unlike traditional video game publishers, Roblox is more focused on the creation of new tools and monetization techniques for its developers then creating new games or franchises. Roblox is increasingly focused on creating a metaverse that moves beyond games toward experiences like concerts, education, and even business management.
Bearish (17)
Neutral (7)
Bullish (3)
% from 52W High
52W Low: $30.42
09 May 2024
52W High: $75.47
05 Feb 2025
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