Corporate Action
Sibanye Stillwater Ltd is a South Africa-focused mining company. The Group currently owns and operates five underground and surface gold operations in South Africa: the Cooke, DRDGOLD, Driefontein, and Kloof operations in the West Witwatersrand region, and the Beatrix Operation in the southern Free State province. In addition to mining, the company owns and manages extraction and processing facilities at its operations, where gold-bearing ore is treated and beneficiated to produce gold dore. The gold dore is further refined at Rand Refinery into gold bars with a purity of at least 99.5% and is then sold on international markets. Sibanye holds a 44% interest in Rand Refinery, global refiners of gold, and the largest in Africa. Rand Refinery markets gold to customers around the world.
Bearish (12)
Neutral (8)
Bullish (7)
% from 52W High
52W Low: $3.18
10 Sep 2024
52W High: $5.69
20 May 2024
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