Corporate Action
Equinix is a retail provider of data centers, enabling hundreds of enterprise tenants to house their servers and networking equipment in a collocated environment. Tenants can then connect with each other, through cloud service providers and telecom networks. Equinix operates 240 data centers in 66 markets worldwide and owns just less than half of them. The firm has roughly 10,000 customers, including 2,000 networks, that are dispersed over five verticals: Cloud and IT Services, Content Providers, Network and Mobile Services, Financial Services, and Enterprise. About 70% of Equinix's revenue comes from renting space to tenants and related services, and more than 15% comes from connecting customers with each other. Equinix operates as a real estate investment trust.
Bearish (12)
Neutral (3)
Bullish (12)
% from 52W High
52W Low: $692.71
08 May 2024
52W High: $985
06 Dec 2024
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