Chromia is a standalone Layer-1 blockchain and EVM compatible Layer-2 enhancement for Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum. It is designed to enhance existing dApps and allow for the creation of next-generation dApps by providing scalability, improved data handling, and customizable fee structures. The blockchain uses a unique architecture called relational blockchain, as well as a custom programming language called Rell.
Bearish (17)
Neutral (8)
Bullish (2)
Chromia ROI
% from 52W High
13 Mar 2020
20 Nov 2021
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Crypto Asset transactions are powered by PT Bumi Santosa Cemerlang as a Crypto Asset Market Maker (Pedagang Fisik Aset Kripto), which is licensed and supervised by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Your transactions are recorded by Central Finansial X (CFX) and are guaranteed by Kliring Komoditi Indonesia (KKI). View Terms and Conditions